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A collection of Partition era online resources
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Third Home Rule Bill Crisis
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Background to the Home Rule Crisis
Opposition to Home Rule
Third Home Rule Bill 1912-14
Reaction to the Home Rule Act
Political Developments
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Ireland during WWI
Easter Rising
Easter Rising Aftermath
Rise of Sinn Féin
Political Developments
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Anglo-Irish War
Anglo-Irish Treaty
Reaction to the Treaty
Irish Civil War
Government of Ireland Act
Northern Ireland
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Challenges facing NI government
Establishment of NI government
Study & Exam Resources
Keyword: Edward Carson
BBC Youtube
BBC’s: The Story of Ireland – Age of Nations
TV programme, 2012
Irish Independent 1916 Collection
Assembling Armies and Acquiring Arms
article, 2015
Resolution passed by UUC accepting six counties partition
document, 12 June 1916
Irish Independent 1916 collection
After the Shooting Stopped
article, 2017
The Irish Times
The North and 1918
article, 2018
Youtube RTE
Why was the Irish Party destroyed in 1918?
video clip, 2018
National Archives UK
The Irish Situation – April 1920
document, 3 April 1920