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A collection of Partition era online resources
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Third Home Rule Bill Crisis
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Background to the Home Rule Crisis
Opposition to Home Rule
Third Home Rule Bill 1912-14
Reaction to the Home Rule Act
Political Developments
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Ireland during WWI
Easter Rising
Easter Rising Aftermath
Rise of Sinn Féin
Political Developments
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Anglo-Irish War
Anglo-Irish Treaty
Reaction to the Treaty
Irish Civil War
Government of Ireland Act
Northern Ireland
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Challenges facing NI government
Establishment of NI government
Study & Exam Resources
Eoin MacNeill
photograph & RIA Biography
Decade of Centenaries timeline
Erskine Childers
photograph & RIA Biography
Letter from UUC re. NE Boundary Bureau
letter, 4 January 1923
Prime Minister’s Announcement – Ireland
speech, 10 December 1920
Youtube BBC
Robert Kee’s Ireland – Civil War
TV programme, 1980
Youtube - TCD
Ireland in Rebellion: Irish Civil War
video clip, 2015
Youtube BBC
Robert Kee’s Ireland – Ulster will fight
TV programme, 1980
BBC Youtube
BBC’s: The Story of Ireland – Age of Nations
TV programme, 2012
Resolution passed by UUC accepting six counties partition
document, 12 June 1916
Why I voted for the Six Counties by F.H. Crawford
leaflet, April 1920
UCD History Hub
The Irish Civil War (Irish Revolution Lecture 10)
podcast, 2014
Irish Independent 1916 collection
Legal Travesty – Roger Casement’s trial
article, 2016
NLI 1916
Poster advertising the annual Seachtmhain na Gaedhilge (Irish week)
poster, c.1915
NLI 1916
Gaelic League Leaflet
leaflet, c.1900